So, I've been sitting on a bunch of pedal designs for a while now, some of them mods (mostly of Muffs) and some of them original designs. I haven't had a chance to test any of the originals (
) but I did build a really neat modded Muff a while ago that I thought you guys might like.
As you may know, the Big Muff is probably my favorite fuzz design, mostly because of how tweakable it is - you can do essentially whatever you like to component values and whatnot and still have it sound great. I'm mainly a bassist, and wanted a cool bass fuzz, so I took the basic Muff framework and made some changes to it. It's mostly Ram's Head with a pinch of Green Russian, lots of bass content paired with the high gain of the early American Muffs. I'd never released the mods mainly because, although it ended up sounding really cool, it didn't come out anything like I originally wanted... but in the end, I decided it was cool enough that I might as well. It sounds great with both bass and guitar.
Here's the schematic:
I didn't do a layout for it because I tend to be bad at making large schematics into small, dense, neat layouts, but if Mark or Miro would be so kind
I'm sure it'll be a fun build. I've got more designs to contribute but sadly they'll have to wait until I test/tweak them, which hopefully will happen soon with summer on the horizon.
EDIT Fixed small schematic. Also, note that the original was positive ground with 2N5087s but I reworked it for negative ground/NPN to make it easier for most.
Through all the worry and pain we move on