Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

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Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

Lee Oswald
I wasn't a fan of the Timmy I built. Someone on a forum, who've I've had interaction
with for years, and has similar tastes, has suggested I try the Jan-Ray. I've sold my Timmy
clone (for cheap, really just to get my money back for the enclosure and parts).

If I've been informed correctly, the primary difference, pot tapers aside, is one resistor
difference. Is this correct?

If I want to build another timmy, but "Jan-Ray" it, based on |V|ark's layout, what do I
need to do?

Thank you for help in advance.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

Lee Oswald
Duh! That's a great question.

Thanks |V|ark.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

The new layout for the Jan Ray is nicer and more compact anyway.  I did the Timmy layout with certain mojo axial components in mind first which I used in my build, and the compact version is still based on the same original layout and so doesn't make the best use of space.  In fact I'll redo the Timmy layout in the next few days.
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

Lee Oswald
Mark, tell me if i'm off base here. After looking at the electronic details via schematics, and the comments here, and else where - it seems that these two pedals are essentially identical in sound.

Am I wrong?

I'm wondering if I misunderstood what i was told about the differences between the JR and Timmy.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

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They're extremely similar. Pot values, tapers and direction of rotation for some of the pots will make them appear to be reacting differently, but you should be able to get pretty much any Jan Ray sound out of the Timmy (but obviously at different points of pot rotation), apart from higher gain where the Jan Ray won't reach the levels the Timmy can go to.  The Timmy can obviously become a little further removed due to the additional clipping options, and the Jan Ray can't get all the Timmy sounds because the values used in the low pass filter treble pot roll off more high end even when the treble is dimed, so the Timmy can be brighter.

I did this comparison a while ago which should give you a good idea how ridiculous the idea is that they sound nothing alike, which you hear some people say.

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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

You can also look at the Walrus Mayflower.  I just built that one and it sounds good.  And it has buffers!
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

And the Lovepedal Amp 11
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Re: Timmy vs. Vemuran Jan-Ray

Lee Oswald
Good suggestions, but again, don't these essentially sound the same? My hang is that the Timmy is intended for use with Marshall amps. i'd like something that works better with Fender and Fender voiced amps.
I didn't shoot anyone.