Tone control inop

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Tone control inop

I just built another ecstasy OD and the tone control does nothing. I've built one before with no issue using ver1 layout. I used ver2 this time and everything works but the tone knob. Tried a new pot but still nothing. Where it calls for a 1u cap I used a tantalum. Would this matter? Can find any tracks touching or anything. Any ideas??
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Re: Tone control inop

The pedal isn't bypassing correctly either. The volume still works when it's off. Oddly I can hear the tone working then too. Must be something I've done offboard
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Re: Tone control inop

I fixed the bypassing issue. But for the life of me can't figure out why the tone control does nothing.
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Re: Tone control inop

Tantalum caps are usually polarized, if I remember correctly. So if the layout calls for a no polarized 1uF cap and you use a polarized one if it's not placed correctly it won't work and can explode.
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Re: Tone control inop

I put the cathode/negative to the top of the layout with the cathode going to the row that links to the IC. It hasn't exploded or anything like that. Everything works except the tone control. It has worked randomly once or twice but nothing now. Tested the pot. Seems ok. Put two others on just in case. Still nothing. No clue what it is. Frustrating.
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Re: Tone control inop

If it did work, but does not work now, it suggests a short or dry joint somewhere.
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Re: Tone control inop

Could it be anything offboard? Or is it pretty much a problem on the board?
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Re: Tone control inop

In reply to this post by NuckChorris
I don't know about you, but I often make mistakes with pot wiring, getting the ground right, etc. Double check the pots wiring. I still have to mark the 1 & 3 lugs, because if I turn a pot around I still get confused.

Also, when you have a tone stack, it is not unusual for the three pots (Bass, Mids, Treble) to be very interactive to the point where if the mids are off you won't hear the treble working (for example) - try different settings on the tone pots to see if you have more control than you think.

Also - the bass is reverse log, which means that if you did not use that exact part, and you used a regular log, the taper is completely backwards, and you would not hear it working unless it was full off (CCW) - you would be better off with a linear pot than an unreversed log. Then you could reverse the leads to make sure it boosts when turned clockwise.
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Re: Tone control inop

i agree with what beaker said to do. but i checked the layout, and that 1uF cap is shown as a non-polar. i've had issues with tantalums before, and typically avoid them like the plague, but i would remove the 1uF tantalum you have in there now and replace it with a poly or electrolyic and see what happens. that 1uF is connected to tone 3 so that could be the issue.
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Re: Tone control inop

Ok I'll try that. I think all I have here in 1uf is tantalum though. :(
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Re: Tone control inop

Ciaran Haslett
Try putting 2 470n or higher non polarised caps in parallel (effectively adds capacitance together).  That'll get you close to 1uf and will at least confirm if this is your problem area
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Re: Tone control inop

Put two caps in place of the tantalum. Still nothing. Really scratching my head now
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Re: Tone control inop

Ciaran Haslett
Then that was never your problem!  At this stage...I'm thinking audio probe (best debugging tool going) or hi res pics of the front, back and wiring.
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Re: Tone control inop

2nd. Something is really a miss then. It could be a bad IC, missed solder joint, another defective part, the best thing to so is take and use an audioprobe to see where you're losing signal/signal be messed up from what if should.