ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

Nice as always Johnk , I will be building mine as soon as my order arrives ( missing a few of the odd value caps ) Looking forward to hearing this one. Did you end up keeping the 2sk or did you go back to the j201 ?
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

I kept the 2SK30
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

I finally got around too building mine , Haven't had time to play it much yet but I'd thought I would post the mod switch I put on it. I compared the original nobels odr-1 with the nobleman uno and also the odr-1 plus and found that both the uno and plus had an extra resistor + capacitor to ground that the normal odr did not so I removed the cap/resistor from johnk's vero put it on a switch along with the plus pedal values. The standard odr position [ center off ] is the lowest gain , followed by the uno and the plus side adds quite a bit of gain 
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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Hi John if possible could your measure V at the circuit output for me on this as I have 4.5v and I'm getting a loud pop when turning it on.  I've tried all kinds of fixes and even swapped the output cap twice and can't seem to rectify. Even a 1m pulldown resistor only drops V down to 3.5v
**** update *****  I found a solution JohnK , while studying the schematic and layout to see if I missed something I found the last 150k on the schematic is connected to ground and on your 2sk30 layout it is connected to vr , so I snipped it off my board and put on the output at the switch to ground and now I have a dc of about 4ma , so the popping is now almost inaudible. I may mess around with lower resistor values but I'm unsure how that will effect the sound.
Thanks again for the layout it is an awesome pedal
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

the first vero that I posted had an error. the 150K resistor is supposed to go to ground, not the 4.5V rail. look at the vero  again. the one that you copied had an error so I updated it.

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

First off thanks Johnk for updating your layout , I was comparing the schematic with the one I had on my computer so I missed the 150k being moved . Now i have replaced the resistor in its correct place and it sounds great ,with no switch popping. An awesome pedal this one.