Transistor Sub Chart

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Transistor Sub Chart

I found this online somewhere, honestly don't remember, and thought it would be a good resource to have. Everyone always asks,"can I sub ______ transistor for ________ without any issues?" Well now heres a list you can use.

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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

Thanks for sharing this matey.  It amazes me how often you see NTE*** recommended as a good replacement for more difficult to find transistors.  I see very few NTEs listed and every time I do they're an absolute fortune.  There must be a cheap plentiful source somewhere based on the number of times I see them mentioned.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

I seem to recall seeing this at GuitarPCB in the G.B.O.F. thread, I don't know if thats where it originated. It's a helpful chart for replacements.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

In reply to this post by IvIark
I'm in the U.S. And the only actual electronics store in my city carries the NTE almost exclusively and they are crazy high in price. I don't know if it's the retailer or the manufacture causing the cost, maybe both. On average they are 200X the cost of an equivalent on Tayda. Unfortunately there are times I don't have an option.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

Silver Blues
NTE's whole reason for existing basically is to be a source of replacement parts for when the original cannot be found. To this end they even absorbed ECG electronics, whose MO was the same. You can often find some equivalents of out-of-production or rare semiconductors via them. Of course the tradeoff is that they're monstrously expensive compared to our normal methods. Many retailers carry more NTE than anything else, because it's a convenient place to order lots and lots of different parts and only keep track of one supplier.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

In reply to this post by IvIark
NTE is the brand carried by Fry's Electronics here in the Western US. All their parts start with NTE (op amps, etc.)  Go here and search and you will find mostly NTE parts:

There is also their web site:

Not cheap, though.

BTW: Rocket - I suggested that we officially have a thread like this a long time ago but it never took off, so I long ago took that to be a sign that getting original parts is usually the best idea - however, there are always exceptions and I believe it is VERY circuit dependent.

So, while we are on the subject, here is a similar one that I have relied upon quite a lot:  - all of the most common opamps
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

In reply to this post by Synsound
Dude, where are you in the US? The only electronics store near me is the exact same way....

I agree it's odd seeing NTE recommended as a replacment, mostly due to the rediculous cost, but a lot of the other subs are pretty useful. I know I didn't see it over at guitarpcb, but a blog of another diy builder. I found some of it interesting like subbing 2n5088's for bc109's.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

I'm in Columbus Ohio.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

Believe me this place is only good for shopping malls. Not much fun to be had unless your a teenage girl with too much money.
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

In reply to this post by rocket88
I've seen this before too, though I could not remember where. Nice find Zach.
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Re: Transistor Sub Chart

For those who want a little more information, there is the database:

There is a link for each transistor which lists equivalents.