Trim pot to potentiometer

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Trim pot to potentiometer

Hello, I am building the Way Huge Pork Loin and it has 3 trimpots in the build. I really want to make those normal external potentiometers so I can tweak them without having to open the box. Trouble is, I'm not sure how the pinout for trimpots translate to standard potentiometers. Is the solo pin on a trimpot the wiper or Pin 2 and the two other pins 1 and 3? If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it. Thanks!!
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Re: Trim pot to potentiometer

in all honesty it doesn't really matter, as long as the middle leg of the trimmer is wired to lug 2 of the pot, as lug two is the wiper. what is lug 1 and lug 3 control the direction of the change, like if you wired a volume pot backwards CW would increase volume and CCW would decrease the volume.
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Re: Trim pot to potentiometer

As I suspected, thanks for the knowledge transfer!!
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Re: Trim pot to potentiometer

my pleasure buddy. and remember that if you wire it up and the pot is going in the opposite direction from what you want it to do the just swap lugs 1 & 3.