Troubleshooting help...

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Troubleshooting help...

I've been building for the last three years (thanks in great part to this site!) and have had some occasional hiccups but the last 5 or 6 builds have been plagued with a lot of crackling. Boosts, reverbs, delays... I'll go back and clean all the tracks, double check.... The effects are working but crackle like an SOB! I clean the boards and think it's gone and box it up and then it creeps back in! I'm really getting frustrated because they are unusable as is.Could I have a bad batch of electrolytics? Why is it coming and going? I honestly don't think I've gotten worse at soldering?Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
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Re: Troubleshooting help...

Power supplies? both pedal power and wall sockets. A while ago all my pedals buzzed like mad for about two days then it disappeared. I put it down to a weird electricity surge or something. Maybe try powering your pedals with a battery and see if the noise is still there....