Trying to get a warmer distortion

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Trying to get a warmer distortion

I am building a home grown distortion based on a fuzz face (sorta). Im using a pair of BC337 trannies
and its works well but I need some ideas what to add to warm the distortion. Right now, its very synthetic sounding, well, you know what I mean. Other than scrapping and staring over with other options, I would rather continue this build.

Any suggestions would be great.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion


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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

I could use my OC44 but, this is an npn circuit
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

soften the high end with some small value caps? 22pf-150pf perhaps?
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by Chris60601
Without seeing a schematic it's hard to recommend much without saying..."put a {type of} filter {somewhere} and set it at {insert frequency}

But, if its close to a FF, you could experiment with placing caps between C and B or swap your 330/470?? resistor with a 1K trim and and take a cap from V+ to the wiper.  Acts as a variable lowpass.  Suggested cap value at 47nF and up.
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

In reply to this post by Chris60601
What NPN Germanium transistors do you have? Try them and see what it sounds like.

Or swap the 9V and ground over, reverse the electro caps and use PNP Germanium.

Look at the Bonamassa Fuzz Face on the main page foe ideas.
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

Right on, Beaker!!
I was thinking of that for the OC44's
Unfortunately, I don't own npn GE's but I did read about what you said
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Trying to get a warmer distortion

For shits n giggles, I tried a 3904 and a 2n2222a. The 04 sounded not much diff then the 337. The 2222a however, sounded warmer, not as synthetic and hash. On the down side, added a touch more low end but that is easy to adjust.

I still have another version of this build with a diff tone stack. I'll thry the 2222a there and also the OC44 wired up as Beaker said.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.