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Tube pedal!

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Tube pedal!

134 posts
      Hello folks...I am wondering if you could use one of these to run the plate voltage of a tube. If you could, would you need to change values on anything in let's say the matsumin valvecaster? Or similar layouts where the plate voltage is starved. Thnx have an awesome day!!!  

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Re: Tube pedal!

464 posts
OK, Power transformers aint my thing so take what I say with a grain of salt. Personally I'd stay away from something with that much voltage.

I've seen some layouts for tube based drivers that run on 12v, which is sufficient AFAIK, build a tiny charge pump and presto.
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Re: Tube pedal!

63 posts
I know there are a handful of so-called "true" high voltage tube pedals out there, but they only run at about 80 - 100v, i know nothing about this obviously, but that sounds insane to me, in the trade world power tools all run at 110v, i i struggle to understand what might be able to handle that much power....
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Re: Tube pedal!

1993 posts
Most of the big tools at the shop where I work are 240VAC. This is because the current draw at 240VAC is half what it is at 120VAC but that's starting to get off topic I guess

A 12V charge pump likely will not have sufficient current for heaters. This is why the Valvecaster type circuits tend to use a 12V DC supply which powers the heater straight from the supply, then the 12V also powers a charge pump to provide higher voltage to the plates (which have lower current draw)

The board in the OP.. it would be good to have some more info on it. Looks cool
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Re: Tube pedal!

464 posts
What is the operating voltage of pedals like the BK Butler? Also, aint the Behringer VTM considered a good tube drive? Doesnt it run on 9VDC? Or is there some smoke and mirrors?
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Re: Tube pedal!

1993 posts
I built a Valvecaster like pedal that I just run off 9VDC. That's a 12AT7 with 9VDC on the heater and "B+"

It's not right but it actually sounds fantastic. At least with my 5e3 copy it sounds totally amazing, no complaints there

Of course you're losing a lot of gain and headroom by powering it like that.. For my needs it had plenty of gain anyways and headroom wasn't important

It would be better to give the tube the voltages that it wants, but you can get away with less (with trade offs)
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Re: Tube pedal!

134 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Here's the specs on the transformer and the plate current max on a 12ax7.

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Re: Tube pedal!

134 posts
Oops the transformer specs.