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Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

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Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

432 posts
So recently I found Mark's compact 1590A friendly Mayonaise layout and built it. Then I had the idea to try and tweak it to make different types of Muffs. I compared the compact layout to the Pink Flesh layout and swapped the necessary components and it worked, no switch though, left the 4.7n as in for now. Later on I noticed the Pink Flesh has an extra 2.7k resistor in series with the 10n cap from volume 3 to Q4 base. How critical is this resistor?

The layout fit nicely actually. I used 1/8 watt resistors so I really didn't need to stand anything up.
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Re: Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

487 posts
I find it immensely helpful in any discussion if the OP wants to discuss a subject if some links to the subject matter were actually given rather then require the reader to do some searching of their own. Maybe its not that much work at all to do the searching, maybe its good to hone one's google-fu, but on the other hand it A: never hurts any discussion, B: it's good manners and C: never assume that the average readers knows what you are talking about. Presumed common knowledge is always a HUGE source of confusion in any discussion.
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Re: Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

432 posts
Sorry about that, you're right.

It's easier to upload the two layouts since links to threads in the forum never seem to work (for me at least). Both layouts were done by Mark. I've  also uploaded the layout with my hand written changes, sorry it is sideways, can't figure out why. The 47pf cap was added on the top row over the cut with one leg sharing a hole with the 100nf cap. Please disregard the mark made on column one, between rows 1-3.

The resistor in question is on the Pink Flesh layout on the top left, between the collector of Q4 and the 100nf output cap. I didn't see it on any other layout besides the Mayo. I was also looking at Kit Rae's Big Muff Circuit Guide (added the link at the end of the post) and nothing was said about it, so I'm sure it was added for a reason, but why and will leaving it out be detrimental to the sound? Thanks.


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Re: Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

432 posts
I also left of the polarity protection diode and 100r resistor on power supply on the PF layout.
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Re: Tweaking a Layout... Compact Skreddy Mayonaise Experiment to Pink Flesh

432 posts
I wound up putting them in series, ugly but it worked. Didn't notice much of a difference but it sounds much better with the 10nf.