Sorry about that, you're right.
It's easier to upload the two layouts since links to threads in the forum never seem to work (for me at least). Both layouts were done by Mark. I've also uploaded the layout with my hand written changes, sorry it is sideways, can't figure out why. The 47pf cap was added on the top row over the cut with one leg sharing a hole with the 100nf cap. Please disregard the mark made on column one, between rows 1-3.
The resistor in question is on the Pink Flesh layout on the top left, between the collector of Q4 and the 100nf output cap. I didn't see it on any other layout besides the Mayo. I was also looking at Kit Rae's Big Muff Circuit Guide (added the link at the end of the post) and nothing was said about it, so I'm sure it was added for a reason, but why and will leaving it out be detrimental to the sound? Thanks.