Twin Peaks Trem

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Twin Peaks Trem

Would be nice to see this as a Vero

Here is the demo:

Original link:

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

This might be a bit of a monster on vero, but many thanks for alerting me to this tremolo (it had slipped under my radar until now) - I've just put in a request for a PCB.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

Beaker -

I know, this thing sounds awesome! I "think" I may have requested this before but didn't have the schem.
But I believe you are right - may be too big and I too will need to order the PCB.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

I've checked out the parts list - some exotic parts, but all are available on ebay.

If you order the PCB set, don't forget to request a rotary switch at the same time, as he sells those as well.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

Thank you for the heads-up on that!

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

No problem Chris - he emailed me to say he still has PCBs and switches available.

This is one of those cases where I feel compelled to buy the PCB anyway. I've no problem using or requesting vero layouts for out of production pedals, pedals from the big mass producers, and pedals from certain builders with unsavoury reputations for ripping off other people's designs and claiming them as their own.

When it comes to small scale builders like this, putting out genuinely original designs, and responding to demand from the DIY community with PCBs, schematics, parts lists and build guides, then I believe it is only fair to support them.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

I've built this pedal and I have two things to say about it:

1. Sounds FANTASTIC.  It might very well be my main go-to tremolo now.  I'm extraordinarily pleased with how straightforward the build is.. the layout is clean and well thought out, the sound, and the controls.  It's a great project.

2. EVERY SINGLE ONE of my "harmonic tremolo" builds has been a crap experience.  I don't know what the hell the problem is, I tried the Cardinal on both PCB and vero and neither works.  I tried the Baja one, nope.  I tried the Pareadoliwhatever... nope!  The Twin Peaks... BAM! fired right up, just lovely and sweet.  
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem


Thanks for that Heath. Can't ignore such a glowing endorsement.
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Re: Twin Peaks Trem

Agreed! This make me want to skip the trem I sourced and go directly to to this one. I can always use the parts for something else.

Beaker -
That's a great philosophy to have/share.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.