UBER SWITCH v 1.1 probleme

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UBER SWITCH v 1.1 probleme


I do not know if some of you use the uber switch version 1.1, for my part it 's the first time and I have a problem that I can not solve.

The switch is on but the led does not light up.
The led is not in question because if I connect the mass to it works but the effect is no longer extinguished.

I checked and did not find any error in relation to the doc, just I wonder if the led is not in the wrong direction on their shemas.


If anyone could help me would be cool.

thank you

@ +
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Re: UBER SWITCH v 1.1 probleme

There is a thcustoms board on madbean's forums, check it out.
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Re: UBER SWITCH v 1.1 probleme