US veroboard sources

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US veroboard sources

Lee Oswald
I don't know if others here have sources already, but for those needing sources for larger vero than
Tayda provides there is:

Futurlec - I didn't know they had vero. If you order from them,use their Paypal
option, as apparently they are unable to make their system work with bank cards.
I had an unholy rigamarole with them about this. Didn't sort it out until I had them cancel
everything and then re-submitted an order via Paypal. - I bought three very large pieces from them in order to build
the Engineer's Thumb and the G2D Cream Tone. The Tayda stuff wasn't big enough. Their vero is
very high quality, and fairly priced. Not super cheap like Tayda, but fair.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: US veroboard sources

Small Bear just started carrying a couple of Velleman stripboards including this one:

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Re: US veroboard sources

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
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Re: US veroboard sources

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
Not in the USA, but they ship worlwide with very low s&h ( 3 punds):

After  trying lots of brands, materials (plastic, epoxy, glass fiber) and sizes, I'm back to the classic phenolic paper brown veros: good price, quality and durability.

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Re: US veroboard sources

Very nice, that's cheaper than Rapid Electronics who I buy from now.  Think I'll get a few sheets of that in, thanks matey
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Re: US veroboard sources

In reply to this post by IvIark
I have used them a lot in the past quick shipping to the US

also Amazon has several options
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Re: US veroboard sources

Lee Oswald
In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
The thread title is misleading. I should have given it the title of Non-UK specific sources.
Obviously someone in the UK would fine Ebay and Amazon UK more convenient. If there
are other sources for those of us here in the Western Hemisphere, I thought it might be helpful.

Also, many of those Ebay and Amazon listings are actually, I came to find out
through a great deal of digging. I liked their prices as listed on their homepage. Thought I
should share.

The Futurlec listing isn't any more convenient than the UK sources, but thought
it should be mentioned.

Thanks for all the additional listing folks, I'll be checking them out.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: US veroboard sources

I've been getting mine from tayda, and have had no problems with it at all It is cheap, but cuts easily and cleanly. For some of the larger boards I got some from threw amazon. It's more expensive, but great stuff. I've gotten both the traditional phenolic and epoxy to see how they are, and both are great stuff, in fact makes me feel like its too good for me, lol. If you get some from get it through amazon, and you can get free shipping if your cart adds up to $35.
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Re: US veroboard sources

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
+1 for Amazon. Especially if you have prime :)

One thing to note, watch out for the Epoxy Fiber versions, they will destroy any cutting blades you have. You'll want the Phenolic versions.

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Re: US veroboard sources

Good call man. I haven't used the Epoxy ones yet. I got them cause I had read somewhere that they were "better" quality then the phenolic.
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Re: US veroboard sources

Lee Oswald
In reply to this post by vick
I initially found Veroboard through Amazon. Had a gift card.
I bought another round of the same size (4x10) directly from
them. I paid less for shipping buying direct. Not a great deal,
but still less.

Amazon sets the shipping price so they can take a small portion.
Buying direct obviously eliminates that. If you're hyper frugal, this
may be worth it to you. I also received the product faster buying
direct from
I didn't shoot anyone.