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Re: Unibit

That's a cool jig BuGG. If you have any interest in using your drill press with the step bit, add one of these to your next Harbor Freight order http://www.harborfreight.com/9-inch-drill-press-locking-clamp-36221.html Very fast to use, and all you need to keep an enclosure from spinning.
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Re: Unibit

In reply to this post by Zanius
i bought a cheap as hell one from ebay china (set of three for £5ish) a few years ago just to see if they were something i would use (before investing in proper ones). but have never felt the need to upgrade. have probably done 30-40 boxes with them, some with lots of holes (20ish, synth things) and it still seems to be as sharp as ever.

i do notice that i get that gluey thing if i try to go too fast, so try slower as some have suggested.

and sometimes with some of the cheap boxes (a small minority, most are fine) which give off an eggy (sulphur?) smell when you drill them. i don't really know what that's about (rubbish alloy?), but if i'm drilling and get that eggy smell it reminds me to go slower than usual.

and if it gums up i just run a sharp screwdriver down the corner of the groove between the blades (staying well clear of the cutting edge) and just flick it out. as it's softer metal than the steel it doesn't seem to stick very hard.

am not a heavy user so maybe if i really went for it it wouldn't last long, but for basic hobby-level stomp drilling it seems to be fit for purpose.