VOX Tonestack w/LPB1 (Trim or Pot)

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VOX Tonestack w/LPB1 (Trim or Pot)

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Please take a look at this. I have not built this, so its not verified and I'm not very good at doing veros
Would appreciate help in ensuring this is correct. Would really love to use this in a project.
Thank you Mirosol for creating the BMP w/LPB1

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: VOX Tonestack w/LPB1

completely got caught up this week and forgot to send you an email about this. the only problem i saw and see is that 22nF capon the 4th row. it's not connected to anything on one leg. it looks like on the schematic it should be connected to treble 1 and bass 3. also, treble 2 should go into the input for the LBP-1 booster, since i'm assuming you have it there as a gain recovery stage, and you're actual output is the output of the LBP booster.
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Re: VOX Tonestack w/LPB1

That's Ok. I been kinda bizzy the last few weeks and have not had a heck of alot of time to build anything.
So, updated to a point. Not sure I follow you on the last part of your post, rocket.
I got ya as to the treble 2, it shouldn't go to the actual out. This circuit is to be used exactly as it was described in the original BMP/LPB1.

The output of the main circuit goes to input on this. The Output of this circuit would be the actual output. so, yeah - I'm lost.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: VOX Tonestack w/LPB1

Think about it this way. The tonestack is passive, so you'll put it after some circuit. When you do that the tonestack is going to suck some of the output, so you put the LPB booster after the tonestack and adjust it to regain the output you loost from the tonestack.

So, in order to do that you're going to want the output of circuit to go to the input of of the tonestack, and the output of the tonestack to go to the input of the LPB booster, and the output of the booster becomes the new output to your switch.

If the tonestack says the output is from treble 2; you're going to want to run a wire from treble 2 to the board where the input of the LPB booster is. Do that make sense?
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Re: VOX Tonestack w/LPB1

Doesn't treble 2 accomplish that by working it's way through the caps on the LPB1 side and eventually hitting the trim pot?

Again, I'm not very good at veros but trying.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: VOX Tonestack w/LPB1

Ahh. I didn't see it there. I saw it say treble 2 to output and didn't see it connected to the board before. Looks good to me now. Good job.