Valve Wizard U-Boat SMD/TH hybrid

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Valve Wizard U-Boat SMD/TH hybrid

Merlin Blencowe (aka Valve Wizard) has posted 3 versions of this circuit. This layout is for the latest version, which he has stated has the best performance. Additional information, including schematic and circuit explanation here.

I have built this but not tested it yet, so I have also not yet chosen a tracking resistor or trimmer setting.

Try to find physically small 10u caps near the trimmer. They're a bit squeezed because I found the newest schematic after I had already cut the board, and I had to adjust the layout after the fact. Mine are smallish but not tiny, and they fit fine.

Merlin wrote
Tracking is very dependent on the opamp used for the comparators (U4). I tried a lot of devices and found the LM833 to perform best. The NE5532 seems to be a good choice too. Other BJT-input opamps will work, but none quite gives the good tracking as the 833. A TL072 can also be used, but tracking is distinctly poorer, although adding resistor R19 helps.
Since I used a NE5532 (equivalent to LM833) for U4 (dual op-amp at lower right), I did not include R19, but it can be easily added for those who prefer to use a TL072 for U4. See schematic for component numbers.