Vero board colors

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Vero board colors

Hey all, so I tried a new technique that I thought I'd share -- apologies if this is common knowledge, but I haven't seen any mention of it.

Basically, I was wondering how I could make my boards look more legit, and I thought, what if I spray painted them? I tried High-heat flat black with success first. Last night I tried out some gloss red and it looks amazing. I was worried soldering would melt the regular gloss red spray paint, but I had no problems whatsoever.

It's a quick process - one coat'll do it, and I think it really makes my boards look sweet. Cheers!

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Re: Vero board colors

Nice idea!

Since I discovered the white ones, I'm really happy but the red looks amazing aniway, will give a try on next build.

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Re: Vero board colors

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
Very cool
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Re: Vero board colors

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
What I did was spread some filler (wood/polly filler) over the top, very thinly so it only fills the holes, let dry then spray it. Then just poke holes where the components will go. Turned out pretty good.
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Re: Vero board colors

I always "black out" my boards.  I usually just cut it to size, trim the edges, and hit it with a coat of flat black... by the time I get the rest of my components laid out it'll be dry enough to work with.  Looks a lot better if you ask me.
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Re: Vero board colors

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
My 'filled' one.

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Re: Vero board colors

Wow Vince - very cool. great look. Also love that you wrote your pot names on their backs... what a fantastic idea. Maybe I'll number the pins too (I'd say about half my builds I get the pots wired backwards, lol).

What build is that?
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Re: Vero board colors

Cheers, Yes it does help naming the pots. Even then I still wire the odd one wrong..

It's a woolly mammoth.
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Re: Vero board colors

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by toddvirgil
Hah, that's neat, good idea!

Is the board on the left a Frantone Peach Fuzz? How's it sound?
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Vero board colors

Hey Silver -- thanks! Actually its a G2D Cream Tone that a friend requested. I found a layout from Harold so I told him I would do it. This is the first one of Harold's layout's that I've done... standing resitors notwithstanding, it was fairly straightforward - though not as elegant as the layouts here.

The weird thing about this circuit are the caps -- The image above is missing a 2200uF cap -- yes, 2200uF -- its freaking huge, like AA battery huge. And it already has a ginormous 220uF cap onboard. I had to special order the 2200uF, I'll send a pic when its finished.

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Re: Vero board colors

In reply to this post by toddvirgil

Some nice ideas here folks...

I've been labeling my pots since build one because it was the only way to get them straight. :)
Now that my builds are starting to look half-way presentable, I've stopped marking the pots and I hardly ever get them wrong now. Experience, I guess.

As for spraypainting the boards, tried that with white on my Harald's Oberheim build. Looked great and shiny before soldering but the heat on the leads made the paint yellowish and dull so I dropped the whole idea. What kind of spraypaint are you using?
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Re: Vero board colors

I just use any spray paint. Car spray is good as it is high temp so you might not get burning from that.
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Re: Vero board colors

In reply to this post by GoranP
Yeah, I'm using some of the best stuff Krylon makes (or at least the most expensive) that I had left over... the black was actual "High-temp" paint, but the red was just a normal paint. It wouldn't surprise me though if the yellow would yellow. The red did get a bit dull from the heat, but I thought it still looked nicer than the stock brown.