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| half off EVERYTHING

I just ordered direct from them and I got nearly $150 worth of veroboard for $29. I was going to buy direct anyways since its cheaper than ebay and Amazon, but then my cart was halved and I noticed 50% off. Don't know how long it'll last but as of now its still going on.

Btw they have those giant ass sheets of .15 pitch strip Board(7.5"x15") for less than $10. I grabbed one for those old turretboard layouts and some of the older tonebender / Marshall clones.
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Re: half off EVERYTHING

Is this good stuff? I've been using the Tayda boards, and they're been suiting my needs thusfar. Tried a few cheaper options on eBay, and they were noticeably thinner than Tayda's.
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Re: half off EVERYTHING

The cheapest substrate that veroboard sells is like the Cadillac of stripboard, it only gets better and unlike that cheap ass Chinese phenolic the traces stay put unless you intentionally burn them off. I went with the fr-4(fiberglass) and cem-1(epoxy composite) boards. I can also recommend the eBay seller "ausburger" or whatever it is, for stripboard. The white fr-4 he sells is really good. The smaller ones are thinner, but they are almost 10x more stable than the tayda stripboard. The larger ones are almost too thick to score and snap but they are great for re working a layout a time or two.

In summary, veroboard invented stripboard and IMHO its the best, this sale that they have on now makes it cheaper per square inch than tayda. Plus USA, UK, NZ and Canada shipping is flat $8 and orders over $50 are free shipping. Not sure international rates.
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Re: half off EVERYTHING

Awesome! Thanks for the info! I'll pick some up!