Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

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Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

So, the gearmanndude just reviewed our very own Vick's Pagan Fuzz

Just thought I'd offer my congratz, because that's pretty awesome!

It amazes me when I see some of the success members of this community are having with their pedal building. I was a fan of Geiri and Vince's pedals before I even saw this site, so when I started chatting with all you fellas here it really encouraged me to get my finger out and start persevering with this stuff.

I also noticed that Gearmanndude has reviewed a few of Geiri's builds too. Good work dude!

And once again, congratulations Vick! Have a virtual beer on me!
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Re: Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

Here's Geiri's fuzz demo also, I love how the first thing he plays on both of them is Paranoid!
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Re: Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

Yes it's always good to see, well done guys.  
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Re: Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Very cool

You know, you just email him and confirm. Send the pedal, he demos it then keeps it. So you can get yours demo'd by him too. I was going to but decided not to bother in the end.
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Re: Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

Sod Gearmandude, if anyone wants to send me pedals that I can keep, I'll review the shit out of them!
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Re: Vick Audio Pagan Fuzz Demo

In reply to this post by Vince
Man..... sounds like a win-win situation for that fella!

I'd say it is pretty good publicity though. He gets a LOT of views. I'm going to send him a Boss DS-1 clone with a shoebox for an enclosure and this for a footswitch.