Vintage Colorsound Wah - Inductor Wah

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Vintage Colorsound Wah - Inductor Wah


I haven't found any layout for this great vintage wah on any sites. Would be very happy if you guys could make one. But there are various schematic on the internet. Do you know which one sounds better? I prefer the one that sounds like in this video:

This one has extra 100k resistor:

Below is wah-swell. I'm not very sure whether this wah is designed for guitar or organ:

Many thanks for all your help guys. This site ROCKS! :)

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Re: Vintage Colorsound Wah - Inductor Wah

The wow-fuzz layout is posted in the contributions section, and it's verified (I have it inside a real wow-fuzz enclosure). Also, I made a layout for any wah and posted the values that should be used for each component for different ways (vox grey, colorsound, boomerang, etc.) here's the layout. If you wanted to you can use the values from the schematic you have for the different components, just make sure you watch the transistor orientation.
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Re: Vintage Colorsound Wah - Inductor Wah

Many thanks rocket88! The link that you gave really helps. :) If it's not too much to ask, do you have any link for generic wah pcb layout too?
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Re: Vintage Colorsound Wah - Inductor Wah

haven't seen one of those, sorry. i hope the layout helps though. should be super easy to put together.