Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

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Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

 This is labeled wrong the hyde is the jekyll and the jeckyl is the hyde. Its basically a modded marshall shredmaster and a modded tube screamer in one effect. It would be cool to have them both on one board. They sell a ton of these i own one its one of my favorites. I have made a hyde and a tube screamer .I would like to build it in a square box on one piece of vero. I am sure lots of people would like this.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

Yeah, great pedal, I have a Route 66 too, which I love and it would be good to see that one. It's the tubescreamer section teamed with a modded Ross compressor.

What would be a good project would be to combine both pedals - Ross comp, Tubescreamer and Shredmaster into one unit.

Can you re-post a larger image - it's too small to make anything out.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

almost forgot i guess this is for a buffer and switching not sure exactly. its a tp4053 multiplexer
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

TC4053BP is the multiplexer
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

i found these chips on aliexpress 20 for 5 bucks free shipping . man i would love to make this with the multiplexer chip
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

In reply to this post by strassercaster
Yes I think you are right. These pedals do not have true bypass switching - they are buffered bypass.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

They are 2 separate circuits (TubeScreamer + Shredmaster).
You could just get rid of the switching system and make them true bypass if you want.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

yes i have built both already true bypass. there are several differences.. iwould really like to check out the switching systenm. i have been using the doft lat h relay for many pedals but itskind of funny you have to hit it just right . sometimes it turns on and off and on again when you dont stomp just right.the hyde has at keast 9 conponent changes.  i used the shredmaster layout to base it iff of. when co pared it seems to have less gain than my real hyde in the upper frequencys.  i think the buffering is the issue thats why id like to do an exact copy.this and the thunderbird are my two favorite distortion pedals.i prefer the boss sd1 over the tube screamer. less mid. hump but this tube screamer. works better. with the hyde
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

Unless someone draws a layout before I'll give it a try as soon as I've got time.
I suspect it will be quite a large layout.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! I am going to order 10 of the 4053 chips today they will take about 3 weeks off aliexpress about 8 bucks . I dont care if its big hopefully it will fit into a  1590bb or 1590bbm but if not i have the next size up enclosure the 1790s i believe it is. Its more of a want than a need that is for sure ha ha. Now this is for the first of all of them  gray one. I have the version 1 it has a switch for the bass boost on the tube screamer. Alex if your interested i am ordering 10 of the 4053 chips i will gladly mail you a couple when i get them for helping me out.if you want to make one for yourself. would it be possible or easier  to do the switching with the buffer and the multiplex chip on a daughter board? This is a really good switching system i think. May be able to use it for different applications as well.Thanks Alex
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

2 boards may be the best way to go.
As you've said, that why you'll be able to use the switching system with other pedals.
Thanks for the ICs offer but I'm not really planning to build it.
I've bought one on EBay 10 years ago for £20 and never really used it (although I still have it).
Not really my cup of tea.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

Here is the Multiplexer Switching part.
Hope it is correct.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

In reply to this post by Alex
Thanks alex. I love the Hyde side with the mid turned all the way down so its not scooped . You should try it the way I use it . The mid fully non scooped the sharp switch on and treble on zero. It is a great marshall in a box. I just ordered the tc4053 off of aliexpress 10 for 1.78 delivered what a deal. Ill build it next month when they come in. If its cool and you want ill send you some chips or Vactrols . I appreciate it.  I have a few vtl5c3/2 if you want for your time. I got a pretty good deal on some. Ill mail you 4 for your trouble they go for over 10 bucks a piece at most places online.. You could use them for a phase or something .
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

I've finished the layout.
I've uploaded it in Contributions.
As expected it came out quite large.
I've also added a true bypass version.
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

 veridied the layout thank you Alex your incredible! you should put it on the main page
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Re: Visual sound Jeckyl and Hyde awesome pedal

No problem, mate!
I might do that.
Have some layouts to add on the main page from the forum.
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