Voltage disappears when output plugged into amp.

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Voltage disappears when output plugged into amp.

Hey all,

I built the Death By Audio Supersonic Fuzz Gun.

I'm getting voltage readings everywhere except the input of the board, where that goes to the 3PDT, and the connected 3PDT pole to the input jack.

HOWEVER, when I plug the amp into the output, I get no readings at several spots on the veroboard.

What should I do?

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Re: Voltage disappears when output plugged into amp.

SimonRichie wrote
What should I do?

Be more specific. Tell us exactly where you're taking the measurements and what they were before you plugged it into the amp. Pictures (hi-res closeups) of the board (both sides) and offboard connections would help too.
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Re: Voltage disappears when output plugged into amp.

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by SimonRichie
Say What???!!!
That was really difficult to understand.

"Getting voltage readings everywhere": Well that does not sound good, unless there is supposed to get voltage there.
Pleas not that "Everywhere" is a total definition, and tells me that you get voltage "every-where", so that information does not get me "any-where".

"...except the input": Well that's good, there should not be any voltage at the input, via the 3PDT switch or Input Jack

"when I plug the amp... get no readings at several spots": Sounds like you are shorting the circuit...
But again: using words like "everywhere" and "several spots" does not tell us anything at all. You'll have to use properly defined words, not broad all-including definitions if I am going to understand what you are trying to say here.

I guess you'll have to post pictures of the board (both sides) and wiring in order to get the answer you want...

- Sorry if my response seem a bit harsh, but I would really stress the importance of understanding words, when to use which word, and how to communicate clearly.
It is not only essential in order to get help, but since our thoughts are processed in words and sentences, the knowledge (and amount) of words dictates how we can think, but most importantly "what" we can think!
"If you put an S in front of Words, it becomes Swords!"

So to answer your question... Here's what you should do:
Try to explain again, and take some care in what words you use, so that we can understand your problem and help you. Also post pictures of your board so we can spot any mistakes, solder bridges and other issues.
Then we might be able to help you...