Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

I'm not too knowledgeable about what sections components are in sorry Rocket but i see a .056uf and 0.022uF on the schematic as shown above.

In the layout i have been building from on here i see a 5.6nF and a 2.2nF

Not sure which way to go

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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Those are the components I was talking about. So they should be 56nF and 22nF. The decimal should not be there. I'll have to correct the layout on the main page when I get home.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Thank you Rocket, sorry to be a niusance
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

no nuisance at all. glad you caught it, especially since no one else did and it was verified. some of the issues with output and tone should be fixed with this change. really good catch man.