Volume issues

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Volume issues

Good morning/evening (wherever in the world you all are)

I've been a busy bee since I was last online, two pedals built both of which are boxed.

Both of which have their issues which are nagging me a bit though.

Firstly, mad beans cave dweller ed1. Absolutely loved building this pedal, used a refurbished weller iron that's over 30 years old and some lighter solder courtesy of my parents attic rummage. Much cleaner solder work with no bridging issues from the off. And I managed to get it cleanly into a 1590b enclosure.

The issue I have though is that I am get a very low output on my delay tails. You can just about hear it with the amp at full volume. Could anyone shed some light as to what this could be? I have changed the regulator and pt2399 chip and still nothing changes.

Second is the demo tape fuzz pedal. Again I spent a long time putting this all together and have used a biscuit tin to house it as I'm saving up for a trip away in may. Wanted to make sure there was no grounding noise and can get another two effects alongside it. Again volume had to be ramped up to just about hear anything working on it. All components are new and tested prior to fitting. And again used different chips to see if that was the issue.

All pin readings are at 4.4 to 4.6 volts with the exception of pin 4 which is at 0 being ground.  I also checked the voltages of each cap and resistor and they are all reading between 4.4 and 4.6 also. I had some tantalum 1uf caps for this build and wasn't sure whether they were polarity specific so I have swapped them around just to make sure. Could they be the issue?

I'm hoping someone could shed some light on these pedals. I've used the 3pdt.com pcb on both of these circuits as it has made my work so much cleaner, and with no chance of shorting wires out on pins.

All the best
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Re: Volume issues

Silver Blues
I'm not totally sure what your issue is but I can tell you that tantalums are always polarity specific, and voraciously so. Be very careful about which way you install them. I've done it, but would recommend you avoid tants in the signal path.
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Re: Volume issues

It's just the volume I have an issue with mainly. I just can't figure out why I have no volume on the demo tape fuzz and no volume on the delay tails on the cave dweller. But duly noted about the tants.