Vox Amplug Schematics...?

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Vox Amplug Schematics...?

Anyone seen any of these around the webs?  I was thinking it might make a good vero layout.
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Re: Vox Amplug Schematics...?

There was an incomplete one somewhere on FSB. I think it omitted aux input an actual headphone amp part. Considering ammount of parts it might be better to just o ROG English Channel and stick some headphone amp after that.
Or just buy one. At the price they are £29 here in the uk. So about the same price if not less than you would pay for all the parts + enclosure. Not worth it IMO
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Re: Vox Amplug Schematics...?

I own one.  

I recently realized they had a bunch of different "flavors," however, and I wanted to build through a few.

I thought maybe a personalized version would be a neat thing to be able to carry in your pocket.

I realize there is at least one headphone amp-type layout on here (looking forward to trying it out as well), but I hear really good things about the VOX Amplugs.