Wampler Clarksdale Delta Overdrive

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Wampler Clarksdale Delta Overdrive

Hi there,

I would love to build this lovely sounding pedal. It's another very expensive pedal. So I tried to find a schematic or detailed pcb-pictures to reverse engineer it, but I havn't found anything :(
...just this lowres one http://product-images.highwire.com/9631605/p1110435.jpg

Has someone an schematic, layout or something else? It would be great!


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Re: Wampler Clarksdale Delta Overdrive

I don't want to make it sound over simplified, but inst this really not much more than a TS9 with say a Fender tone stack? That's kind of what I took away from it after reading the specs on the Wamp-site.

Of course, if it is - I wouldn't know how to go about building it

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Wampler Clarksdale Delta Overdrive

It's actually an old TS808 drive section that's been heavily modified to sound like a couple of old school tubescreamers they liked. That is then sent into gyrator EQs. Brian said so himself on the freestompboxes forums.