Wampler Faux Tape Echo

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Wampler Faux Tape Echo

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Just finished the Faux analog delay and I am super impressed, So now I have to try the Faux Tape Echo. I think it would be a great addition to the Site ha ha. So here is the schematic. I have everything needed to make one and I am chomping at the bit to do it so it will be verified Lickity split. I am gonna hold off on boxing the Faux analog Echo  I am considering a double box for the tape and analog .

 This schematic is untested .

I got it from a madbean forum. Its also an older one. I made a Multiplex last year but its just ok . I am hoping this will  better for me..  Thanks in advance.
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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

In reply to this post by strassercaster
I don't immediately see a difference between the leviathan and the schematic you posted here in your first message. The other layouts you posted here are too small.
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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

Ya I realized that i was hoping someone else would have one but it doesnt look there are any to be found.Thanks KT
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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

you could mix multiplex jr values with the leviathan schematic. I think if you reduce filtering you will get more of a tape sound.
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Re: Wampler Faux Tape Echo

I already did a full multiplex' its ok i was a little disappointed with it. i actually switched the values on that one to be more like my dirtbaby but then put it back to stock. its a great circuit and close to what i want but the demos of the faux tape delay just floored me. i love the faux analog its a tie with my dirtbaby, always looking for the next best thing I guess ha ha.one popped up on the local craigsl
ist maybe ill just buy it ha ha.