Wampler Plexi with Trimmers & Soul Kitchen demos

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Wampler Plexi with Trimmers & Soul Kitchen demos

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This is now my fourth pedal demo (previous: Keeley Katana and SupaNova, this one has Soul Kitchen (not boxed) and the Wampler modded Plexi with Trimmers (boxed). That one starts half-way through.

Turn it up (not recorded very loud). The Soul Kitchen is not my thing - compressed sounding and very little headroom (attack on the note) or clean sustain. Sounds good on rhythm, though.

The Plexi is a great sounding overdrive in my book. Full frequency and steady sustain. You can't really hear the bass boost on my small amp and this camera, but it is very prominent.

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Re: Wampler Plexi with Trimmers & Soul Kitchen demos

Both sound great Paul.  Thanks for sharing.  I think my Plexi-Drive will quiet down when it's properly shielded and boxed.  It's sounds very much like yours - loud!
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Re: Wampler Plexi with Trimmers & Soul Kitchen demos

Biasing mine was very easy by ear - I got lucky, it just came right up; J201s and 50k trimmers.. I am going to rebox it, though because I have a some leads shorting out and some things I socketed ended up getting kind of loose. I did change the cap for the bass boast cap to 47n AND IT REALLY boosts the low end - maybe too much for a  big amp, but nice for a smaller one.

I might build another just because I have more parts now, like it a lot and I know what I want.
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Re: Wampler Plexi with Trimmers & Soul Kitchen demos

One mod I did on my Plexi-Drive was to change the 470 pF coupling cap off of Q1 to a 1 nF film cap.  Provides a little more bottom end.  I didn't put in a bass boost (which is just adding a larger cap in parallel with the Q1 coupling cap) as I didn't think it needed one.  That would be easy to add later.  I do think the 10 ohm resistor should be increased to 100 ohms, since that is the standard value for power filtering with a 100 uF cap.  I also didn't use metal film resistors (carbon film instead) and that would help with noise overall.

This is the kind of circuit that could be tweaked in a lot of ways, but it's probably about as good as it's going to get for me.  I'm going to move on towards the big prize - the infamous JCM800 emulator!