Wampler Triple Wreck op amp question

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Wampler Triple Wreck op amp question

I am planning to build the triple wreck as a present for my metal playing roommate for his medical school graduation.

The store I buy from does not stock the TL072s at the moment, but I did read in the comments that Wampler originaly used JRC4580DD anyway. Would it be possible to only replace the 8 pin with the 4580 and leave the 14 as it is? I know John Kallas said in the comment section he replaced all amp with 4580s using some kind of adapter he build, but I dont know how to build one of those.
So: Can I just swap the TL 072 for a JRC NJM4580D without changeing the TL074? Or would it be easy to build the adapter and if yes how?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Wampler Triple Wreck op amp question

well, if you're using the layout posted on the main page then you need one 1 TL072, and 1 TL074. if you're going to do what johnk did, you will need to wire 2 4580's to an adapter. it shouldn't be that hard, i believe i posted in the request section the way to do so. you can also switch the 1 TL072 to 4580.
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Re: Wampler Triple Wreck op amp question

thanks! I think I will just use the TL074 and the 4580 toghether then. Both of them are in stock where I buy from at the moment. The ICs should not make too much of a sound difference anyway on this layout i guess.