Wampler Tweed 57 with trimmers

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Wampler Tweed 57 with trimmers

Here is one more IvIark layout I have modified for trimmers. To accommodate the 3 trimmers and a pad to ground Sw2 & Sw5, I added 1 row, 8 links, and 7 cuts.

I also moved a few components around to better fit the box capacitors and monolithic ceramics I use. I also placed 2 resistors and 2 capacitors diagonally so they would lay down and/or fit a little better.

The *10k resistor at Gain 3 was shown as 1k on the original layout. The schematic and pedal gut shot at FSB appear to have this resistor as 10k. I've been using 10k.

Here is a reverse image for the cuts

1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst