Wampler Velvet Fuzz - Fuzz Circuit Layout (Verified)

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Wampler Velvet Fuzz - Fuzz Circuit Layout (Verified)

Tom F
This post was updated on .
Hey everyone, this is my first post in the forum. I thought I'd share a layout I have for the Wampler Velvet Fuzz, or at least the boost circuit that comes before the plexi-drive circuit that follows. I originally saw a vero layout for this made by someone called YerayM from vulcanofx.blogspot.com. However, that layout had standing axial components and resistors hanging off of the 3pdt switch, so I created a whole new layout. I haven't verified it yet myself, but I'm planning on doing that soon enough in the same box as a plexi-drive. Feel free to build and verify before that however, and if the layout is any good, I'm open to it being used on the main site or whatever. I may also post some other schematics or vero layouts in the future (including some of my own creations). Cheers!
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Re: Wampler Velvet Fuzz - Fuzz Circuit Layout (Verified)

Tom F
Update - This is now verified. I finally got around to putting it in a box with a plexi-drive circuit. It sounds cool with the plexi-drive engaged, in either the fat or tight settings. However, by itself, it's kinda meh (I gave each circuit independent footswitches). I may tweak the velvet fuzz a bit so that it can sound better when used by itself into a cranked amp, and so that it can provide a healthy amount of output. For now though, stacking it with the plexi-drive gives an undeniably cool tone.