Wampler Velvet Fuzz

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Wampler Velvet Fuzz

Man this pedal is niiiiicceee!

would be great if there was a design up on this site for it! mmm

anyone know of any similar pedals if not available? cheers!
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Re: Wampler Velvet Fuzz

Hey Jarrod, here's my verified version, although I know that Mark or Miro can make it much more compact and efficient.
BTW, mine has pots for the drive levels into the plexi section, which are very nice to have IMO. If you don't want them, then just replace them with fixed resistors (values can be found on the schematic at FSB).


And you're right....it's a fantastic pedal! Especially the LM386 side

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Re: Wampler Velvet Fuzz

Thanks os much for the quick reply - im no sure why but the link wont let me see whast going on, dont have permission?
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Re: Wampler Velvet Fuzz

Oops...yes, you have to be a member.
Try this>


BTW, the drive pot mod is very useful if you have the room for them.
I adjusted my drive pots for the stock voltage divider readings, then installed the knobs so they would be "stock" at 12:00 on the dial, making it very easy to find the stock setting quickly.