Wampler pinnacle with variable resistors

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Wampler pinnacle with variable resistors

Hey guys,
   This isn't a huge, "request", but can someone modify the Wampler Pinnacle schematic so it has variable resistors so the jfets can be biased easily?  Here is the current schematic.

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Re: Wampler pinnacle with variable resistors

What I do is put sockets in place of the resistor, then attach an offboard trim pot to tweak.  Once I find the appropriate value for my jfet, I swap in the closest resistor I have to the measured resistance of the trim.
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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Wampler pinnacle with variable resistors

Hey Jopn,
   That's a great idea!  That being said, as the trim pot has 3 legs,I assume I just use legs 1 and 2 or legs 2 and 3?  Also, any idea which resistors to make variable for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4?  I believe for Q5 and Q6 it's the 22k resistor...