Watch those flying legs.

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Watch those flying legs.

So there i was. Finishing a bear hug compressor. Cut the legs of one of the diodes ( 4001 ) to be precise then a god almighty BANG!
Iron died. Smoke everywhere.
What the hell i think.
The bloody component leg flicked of into the vent  of the irons psu and shorted the PSU.
One in a million i know. But pleae take more care than i did!
Cheap iron anyway. Sigh. Ebay again.....
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Re: Watch those flying legs.

Wow, how did you manage that? Good shot though.. but damn that sucks.

I had one flying next to my eye and into my soldering fan not too long ago as well. Maybe should start wearing glasses.
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Re: Watch those flying legs.

M. Spencer
In reply to this post by moda
After nearly hitting myself in the eyeball with a flying lead I tend to cup my hand over the board when snipping legs
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Re: Watch those flying legs.


This sucker holds the legs until you open it up. Bought it without knowing that. It's kind of awesome.

What would google search look like in English for that function?

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Re: Watch those flying legs.

How on Earth did you guys manage to do that? I've never managed to send off a clipped leg flying.

That being said, by accident you can seemingly perform any feat that you could never hope to do while actually trying. It's maddening sometimes.
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Re: Watch those flying legs.

I don't know man... For me it's diodes. Rsistors, Caps, Leds no problem. But the slightly thicker ones; Duck and Cover
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Re: Watch those flying legs.

Had to get a tiny bit of lead solder taken off my eyeball a couple of years ago. Don't remember how it happened but it was scratchy as hell. Still don't wear safety specs but am way more careful these days.
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