Weird issue with Harbinger One

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Weird issue with Harbinger One

So, I built Alex's version of the Madbean Harbinger One from the main page and I'm having a strange problem.  I'm using the charge pump circuit with a 1054 from the layout and I was getting no voltage to the main board. Then I jumped the cut between pins 1 and 8 and it started working. This led me to believe that my stash of 1054's were fake because I thought only 7660s and1044's needed those pins connected. Even though I now have power the pedal sounds like garbage, everything is functioning correctly but for a UniVibe it sounds really distorted and compressed. I checked the usual suspects 20 times over and can't find any mistakes. So, I salvaged a 1054 from a Sunn Beta pre I built that I know for a fact is legit and same problem. Only works with pins 1 and 8 jumped, still sounds bad. Im stumped. Has anyone built one of these and used the voltage doubler from the layout and been successful? My next step I guess is to build a different voltage doubler circuit and sub in a 1054 (the UniVibe needs the extra juice provided to function correctly apparently). I really need to get an 18v supply so I can bypass the pump circuit entirely to see if that's what my issue is I suppose.