hmm funny you should say that . i was thinking any decent GE myself. these must be finiiky i guess. now i want to build one. ha ha.
i have some tropical fish capacitors
i pAid 2 bucks a piece
they are .22 that all measure .19-.20
also have a few tropical fish .47 paid a buck a piece
i havent used many and have about 6
of the .20 and
20 of the .47 if your interested
its hard to beat tayda for chips and almost anything ha ha
i have several tropical fish
.20-.22 actuall measurements supposed to be.22
also lots of tropical .47
i also have some sft363e pulled low quality ge hfe 45-60 leaky taken from vox 1967 organ.. i would trade a few it took me years and i mean years to finally score some. this site has been so awesome i would share/ trade with some of you once there gone there gone. we chated a few times motter i think your a good guy
I could use some of those 100nf caps. I can trade you 100uf Tantalums (25v). They are really handy (I love using them) since they are easy to fit into any circuit.