What Software is Used for Board Design?

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What Software is Used for Board Design?

Hi Folks,

I'm new to the world of stripboard.

Just wondering what software people use when designing their layouts?


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Re: What Software is Used for Board Design?

Neil mcNasty
This post was updated on .
Welcome to the club!

The answer to your question is short and simple:
DIYLC (Do It Yourself Layout Creator)
Here's a introduction video:

I guess you have allready seen the layouts on this site.
They are all done with DIYLC.
Here's a site with Perfboard and PCB layouts, made with DIYLC.

If you are a (cr)Apple user:
Here's the new Stripboard iPad app from SabroTone:

These should cover your needs and be pretty easy to learn.

If you are up for a big challange, making multilayered PCB's: EagleCAD
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Re: What Software is Used for Board Design?

Silver Blues
Big challenge is right. Eagle is one of the most confusing goddamn programs I've had the misfortune of using. It's a great tool, don't get me wrong, and makes really nice PCB layouts, but there's nothing intuitive about that thing at ALL. The manual doesn't help much either; I got halfway through the incredibly long tutorial and quit when I realized I still didn't know what I was doing.  Just prepare to invest some time if you want to really get to know it.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: What Software is Used for Board Design?

LOL - too funny SB!!!

I happen to love Eagle. After learning it, I found Dip Trace to be confusing (although another fantastic app).

I guess it comes down to "what you grew up with". Meaning, what ever version you gave time to, you end up loving and using.  I was like that with Photoshop. I opted to use Illustrator. Perhaps not the same in comparison, I just found the later easier for doing my B and BB templates and artwork.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: What Software is Used for Board Design?

Silver Blues
Hahaha yeah, I'm not trying to put off anyone from trying it, just sharing my struggle
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: What Software is Used for Board Design?

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Silver Blues
I have to admit that both Eagle and DipTrace left me clueless at first glance.
And since I am able to do what I need to do with DIYLC, I did not spend much time figuring it out either...

Now here is a weird thing with my DIYLC experience:
I use DIYLC on a OS X system, and it's very nice, except for the occational crash (remeber to save all the time).
So I decided to try the Windows version, since I was expecting it to be more stable, being the original platform it was created on/for...
I fired it up... And was clueless. Even thoug it looked pretty much the same, I found it to be a very different regarding the user-interface.
I could not even find out how to select components, let alone placing them on the layout.
I seemed like nothing worked like I was used to, and not much resembled the OS X version I've been using.
I suspect that it was my brain that did not work properly, or that I had a "Windows block" that day...

It is nice to see that the DIYLC updates are coming on a regular basis, and that it keeps getting better each time.
It is indeed a wonderfull tool for us mere mortals, who want things to be as simple as possible!

Remember to donate and support the guys who write the code!