What are some decent/good wire strippers?

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What are some decent/good wire strippers?

Title says it all. I've been using a pair of toenail clippers to strip n clip wires for way too long. Kinda ghetto huh?

Well it was really cheap but kinda slows me down. Don't really wanna spend too much but want something that can shred up dat 24 awg

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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

I've had a few different automatic wire strippers but there was always something about them that annoyed me, usually that they were either too weak and didn't strip very well, or too powerful and pulled cores out as well as the insulation.  In the end I thought it better to pay a bit more and hope that reflects in how well they work, and I ended up getting these:


They've been absolutely perfect.  Just right in terms of grip on the wire and strength of the pull, and have done the job perfectly every time.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
i tried a pair of those auto ones but they annoyed me me. kept breaking wires (they don't like thin) or didn't strip so were just grazing not stripping.

i got some of these from a local cheap hardware shop (£2.50 new money) and they work a treat. if you're doing a lot of wire you get a workout too. like a shit bullworker. sit yourself down in front of something relaxing like a peter hook interview and strip for england.


the good thing about them is they have a screw to adjust blade height, so fat wire/thin wire, whatever wire, so you never snap and you never graze. maybe they are a bit ludd but i like them.

you've got to ditch the nail clippers. that's prison style.

IvIark wrote
I've had a few strippers but there was always something about them that annoyed me, usually that they were either too weak and didn't strip very well or too powerful. In the end I thought it better to pay a bit more and hope that reflects in how well they work.
we know.
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RE: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

Good old pair a wire cutters. Takes time to develop the feel for it but once achieved its pretty flawless, for me at least.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
I use THESE cut & strip, and ideal if your used to nail clippers
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
These are the cheapest & the best (easiest to use):


They adjust to any size by turning the wheel in a second - only cost $5
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by IvIark
Thanks Mark. This is exactly the nerdy kinda thing I was looking for.

Does it work well with 24 awg? That's the only reason I don't use my other strippers.. They don't work well with the 24

And Chris, I'm already a ninja at that technique. Looking for something to do it for me
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

This is the wire stripper that I use and it works GREAT (especially for the 24 awg prebond wire I use)!!  

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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
If you're in the Sates. Go to home depot. Electrical section and get a set of Kleins. They're fairly cheap, work great and last. I do wiring for work. And these are the best thing I've ever used. And been using same pair for years. get either red or yellow version. Yellow is better for small wire.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
I use the same auto strippers as Mark does - they are rated as 24 AWG minimum, but will cut down to 28 AWG if you squeeze the jaws a little with your free hand.

I really like the adjustable depth stop, as it means all your stripped ends are the same length. They are super-fast to use too.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by iggy
I use a slightly different version of this Klein pair.  They rule.   Don't go crazy with those spring-loaded auto-stripping types.  I tried one of those and they stink.

Edit:  Here:  http://www.idealind.com/prodDetail.do?prodId=t-stripper&div=3&l1=wire_strippers   $12 on amazon.

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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I appreciate it.

I'm definitely attracted to the idea of the ones that Mark posted, especially because he says he has experience with other types and those ones work well for him.

Then comments like negative's kinda turn me off because I will be using these pretty heavily

The reason I want an auto pair like that is to save my fingertips when I'm stripping tons of wire.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
Travis wrote
Does it work well with 24 awg? That's the only reason I don't use my other strippers.. They don't work well with the 24
I use 7/0.2 wire which I think is the equivalent of AWG24 and so yes it works great with that wire
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

In reply to this post by Travis
I too would love to the strippers Mark posted however, I have not found them here in the states.
There are knock-offs that I have seen here but not sure of the quality.

The price for Mark's is decent at about $26.00 but the shipping is killer at about $35.00
Seens kinda ridiculous to spend that much, sadly.

Travis wrote
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I appreciate it.

I'm definitely attracted to the idea of the ones that Mark posted, especially because he says he has experience with other types and those ones work well for him.

Then comments like negative's kinda turn me off because I will be using these pretty heavily

The reason I want an auto pair like that is to save my fingertips when I'm stripping tons of wire.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

well i'm sure if there are a few of us that want them, and we ask nicely, i'm sure someone from the other side of the pod order them for us, and send them here. it's not like it hasn't happened a few times *cough* ME4003 transistors *cough*.....
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Re: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

I'd be happy to get some and post them on to anyone interested.  I'll get an idea on what the postage to the US will be tomorrow and if anyone would like them I'll order them up.
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RE: What are some decent/good wire strippers?

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Mark, yer my hero, HERO I say
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.