What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

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What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

So...after having some seat time with the pink flesh..I am voting it my favorite vero layout to date.
It only needed a few tweaks from the get-go and has not only survived a few gigs...has actually gotten a few complements. 2nd pick for me would be the Naga viper...just because it worked 100% from initial build..and I use it ALOT (cuts like a knife).
 Was wondering what you guys thought were "must builds"?

Don't have a pink flesh vid...but these are Tagboard builds.
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

I'm a big fan of the Big Muff layouts, as I like the symmetry of the 4 transistors and I've gotten to know the signal path quite well using an audio probe. I've adapted the circuit to build almost every EHX version based on the Kitrae schematics. My favorite layout to adapt is the Ramshead layout.

Oddly enough the Pink Flesh is the one version I never managed to get properly working. For some reason it sounds underwhelming even with both the volume and sustain fully maxed.  
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

We have "best build" posts from time to time, and it's really hard to choose and depends on your musical styles and which effects best fit with those styles.

For me, I like mostly classic rock, rockabilly, and some country.  So I'm really into overdrives and distortions, fuzz not so much (though the Univox Superfuzz is awesome).  I've also built the Heartthrob Tremolo (nice!) and several boosters (ROG Omega is my favorite).

I've probably built about three dozen overdrives and distortions so far.  It's really hard to choose a "best" because everyone has their opinions when it comes to sounds.  Having said that here are my top ten, in no particular order:

(1) TS-808 Tubescreamer (or any variant like the Landgraff DOD).
(2) G2D Cream Tone
(3) Zen Drive
(4) Barber Gain Changer (or anything Barber)
(5) Marshall Shredmaster (with mods)
(6) BJFE Model H
(7) MI Audio Crunchbox
(8) Clark Gainster
(9) Wampler Plexidrive (with no trimmers )
(10) The Klon(e)* (*I built this on a PCB but the vero should be just as good)

There are many, many "honorable mentions" such as:

* Jack Black Deuce Coupe
* Catalinbread WIIO
* All the ROG circuits including Thunderbird, Britannia, Thor, Supreaux, 22/7 etc.
* Cornish SS-2
* Most of the BJFE/Bearfoot circuits like Dyna Red, LGW, ...

Bottom line - for classic rock, any of the top 10 will get you the tones you need.  If you only could build one, Zen Drive would probably be the best choice (followed closely by the tube screamers).

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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

Zendrive is on the list for me.
I built a Madbean klon (kingslayer 2)..and have to say it's my favorite
pedal I own. I would like to attempt a vero version.
I had a cold solder on my pink flesh that caused a few teething issues. .but it has all sorts of gain on tap.
Zvex  fuzz factory has been my most recent failure... I can't get it under control. .
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

toolguy wrote
Zvex  fuzz factory has been my most recent failure... I can't get it under control. .
Nobody has the fuzz factory under control. That's how its supposed to sound.
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Ah Frank, we mirror tastes/styles in music and types of peds.

Distortion/OD (Not a Fuzz fan)
1. Maxon/Ibanez (OD and TS series)
2. Zen
3. BJE/Bearfoot (Dyna)
4. Catalinbread Galileo
5. ROG English Channel/Britannia
6. Timmy
7. MXR Distorion+ (PCB by Tonepad)

Misc effects.
1. Smallslone (PCB by Tonepad)
2. Deep Blue Delay
3. Box of Hall reverb.
4. Pork barrel (PCB by Madbean - BOSS CE2)
5. Little Angel chorus
6. Zombie chorus (FINALLY, after 3 epic fails)
7. Ross compressor / Rothwell Lovesqueeze
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by toolguy
If I'm going to recommend a "must build" it has to be the Zendrive!
In my opinion it is without a doubt the best sounding and most dynamic overdrive I've tried/built.

The Dallas Rangemaster is also amazing. But only if you try different transistors than the original.
My experience is that (as with the AC128 in a FuzzFace), the OC44 is probably the worst transistor I can put in there. Almost every other transistor I have tried has sounded way much better than the "original" giving a much nicer high end character than the OC44, which I find very "muffled" and often much more noisy compared to the others.

Other builds that I have greatly enjoyed and would recommend are:
- DeProfundis Delay (amazing sound for such a dirty delay-chip)
- Green Ringer (classic! Works magic in front of a fuzz)
- Superbolt (another JHS grand theft rippoff! This time: Runoffgroove's Supraux Deux)
- Madbean Bloviator II (you'll never turn it off! Ever...!)
- DeviEver/Effector 13's SodaMeizer (great fun with insanity, and a very clean/simple build)
- EP3 Preamp (Classic!)
- Red Llama (simply a great overdrive)
- Magna Vibe (subtle, but extremely nice!)
- AMZ Mini-Booster (one of my very first builds and still on my pedalboard to this day)
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Re: What do you think is the best vero on tagboard?

Ed Nice
In reply to this post by toolguy
I'm a bit new to all this building malarkey and only got into 'tronics ( <- that's abbreviated to make it sound really futuristic and cool!) about 3 months ago so I haven't really built enough to have a 'favourite' or a particularly outstanding item.

From the 8 I've built so far, the one I have buzzed about the most is the Dimension P Chorus from Freppo's site. (ok, not strictly a Tagboardeffects layout, but I found it via here!)

This is partly because it's pushed me up the ladder another rung as far as complexity goes, plus it's not from a 'kit' (this might sound silly, but for a n00b, the kits are really helpful and the first one you have to plan and source yourself is a little scary :o ). I also had a few ups and downs to get it working (mostly down to my stupidity, ignorance, impatience and inexperience) so I've learned a lot [it's all relative, I'm still an 'eleccy dumb-ass] about where electrons push and why and even thinking about what I learned makes my head hurt...

I suppose the biggest reason why it's 'favourite so far', is because the Chorus I previously built was a little disappointing in that the tone and range was very narrow. This one really sounds like a proper chorus. It has an awesome range of sounds, and I built it. Ok, that's abouyt 10% of the whole product, and I understand about 5% of what's happening with my little agitated electron friends in there, but still, I BUILT IT! And did I say it sounds awesome?

The next one I rate so far is the 'Love Pedal Eternity Burst' by IVIark. For something that has so little going on inside, it really is a nice pedal with a great tone, especially driving my tube amp.

This was one I picked as a project early on because it was simple. I wasn't really building stuff specifically for 'that particular' effect, I just figured I'd build three or four simple Bitsbox kits and this was selected for no other reason than it was a simple screamer/overdrive and had some pretty positive feedback [pun intended :) ].

Anyway, I built it, tried it, liked it, forgot about it. My friend comes over [he plays bass in the band too and his son plays guitar in a band and is annoyingly wayyy better than me!] and I show him my latest builds. I get to the Lovepedal and he stands all furrowed of brow, staring at it. After about three minutes, he says 'that sounds really nice. It's [sons] birthday in a few weeks. Can you make me one?'. So, instant big up me stylee buzz! 'Course I can. I built it, worked first go, it sounds great and with a bit of luck, when the young lad is famous, he'll have my scruffy little pedal on his board :)

And lastly, [I'd keep it brief but as you may have guessed, I am incapable of such things] is the Auto Wah. Another IVIark layout. It's just so damn funky. It's a little tricky to tame at first. It's a little surfing. You have to control the guitar over the waves of the pedal and how it reponds to your input. It's cool.

So that's it. Sorry for the long post!