What do you think?

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What do you think?

Well I figured I would get some peoples opinion on this. I have found a source for some parts and the prices are really good, but not quite sure I should since I'm looking at 1000 of each item.

AMS 2N2222a
AMS 1N34a
AMS 1N276

The diodes are real DO-7's. I've used AMS BC108's and they're good, but haven't used anything else from AMS, which is American micro semiconductor, and are new production parts. Anyone got experience with any of these parts or AMS in general? Should I pull the trigger?
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Re: What do you think?

Are they the ones from cnotary in PA Zach?

Seems like a bloody good price to me. I've seen their listings before, but the shipping charges to the UK are pretty high, as they include customs charges.

With the price of BC108s now, I'd say you were onto a winner.

BTW the 2N222A are listed as AMS, but the phot shows a Motorola.
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Re: What do you think?

yea that's the guy. i called him and got an even better price, because he's an hour away from me, ad i told him i would pick everything up and give him cash. so it's even better then it looks. just need that extra push to do it.

i knew i wasn't crazy about the picture. i asked him about that, and he said those are the ones he has, so they should actually be motorola. i would think that both the AMS and motorola should sound pretty much the same. the diodes should also be pretty much the same as any other manufactured diode of the same type.

soooooo.....do it? lol

btw, don't forget that i could always figure out how to get some to you too for less then an arm and a leg.
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Re: What do you think?

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Obviously depends on your finances, but I reckon you could be onto an investment opportunity.

The price for a hundred transistors is what most sellers are charging for ten. Sellers are getting canny now - you rarely see anyone selling BC108s in quantities greater than ten per lot.

Prices keep creeping up all the time.
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Re: What do you think?

this is very true. wasn't really thinking about that aspect of it, i always think about my own use. lol
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Re: What do you think?

It's not just the BC108s either, the same applies to the 2N2222s, and pretty much any of the desirable (metal can in particular) transistors.

A seller might be sitting on five thousand of the buggers, but keep leaking them out ten at a time - keeps the customers hungry, makes them think they are getting scarces, and slowly ratchets up the price over time.
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Re: What do you think?

It's such a crock. I can understand if the parts are actually unubtanium, but pretending there are is just bs.
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Re: What do you think?

You know you have friends you can pass on the savings to if you need to unload some of them
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Re: What do you think?

I've bought from him before. And from memory got exactly what was listed with no issues. If you have too many parts for your use, let me know I'll take some of each.
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Re: What do you think?

Haha. You guys do know I do keep some stock just in case someone needs it. Alright, I'm going for it, maybe get some more. Just feels odd as emperor of the Ge deathstar buying a few thousand Si transistors, but all those Ge diodes should make up for it.
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Re: What do you think?

You know, three of us did some trades of parts and all it cost us was the shipping. I think we were all pretty happy with the results since we all got things we didn't have otherwise.

And also - I am thinking about buying 800 100uf tantalums, because you can't find them in small lots, and I figure if I wanted to I could sell them in lots of 25 to 50 and make about 500% on my investment. This alone could finance our "hobby."

I have never done this, but it looks like a lot of people do it. Especially of you have the means to match transistors (which I know you do).
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Re: What do you think?

In reply to this post by rocket88
hey rocket, how do those black band ams 1n34a compare to the green band?

1n34a here in the uk are mostly the green band. and the black bands are the 1n270 (or sometimes OA-90). the 1n270 are nice but darker and smoother than the green 1n34a. OA-90 are a shade grittier.
if they are directly comparable and you are running a surplus i'd be interested in trying a few.

what will you batch sizes be?
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Re: What do you think?

I haven't had a chance to test, I just picked them up yesterday. The green band ones I have are DO-35 packages, which aren't Ge, but Schotkey workalikes that do sound great. I'll let you know when I get to testing. The 1N270's were significantly more expensive then the rest, so I only grabbed 200 of them, so those will all stay with me.

It was a crazy day and that haul ended up being much more expensive then expected. I got into an accident, not my fault mind you, on my way home. Now, I'm way backed up and haven't had time to test, or anything and have a shit tone of work. Everything is still in the box I picked them up in, and sitting in my livingroom floor. Hopefully I'll catch up tonight, run some tests, or at least out up picture of them all. I swear, I'm loosing my mind now from stress.....

Anyways, if I end up unloading some, I'll figure out pricing and batches and put them in the marketplace.
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Re: What do you think?

Sorry to hear that Zach, I hope you weren't injured.

I will happily take some of the 2N2222s from you though, but only if you have excess to want to part with. I love those things.
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Re: What do you think?

In reply to this post by rocket88
Take it from someone who deals with life handing me "shit sandwiches" all the time - I feel for you. Stress is the worst and sometimes it helps to do something you like (like work on a pedal) or just kick back.

My wife had ear surgery and is flat on her back for over a week now (no balance) so I am doing everything. Her appetite is all messed up with nausea so she wants a different food every hour and only takes two bites.

I was rushing out the door and wife told me to "shut my office door" because a young kid was coming over, I locked the door.  I went to a sister's house to install a router, should be simple, no, took two hours and two calls to tech support (a difficult modem model, the tech said in his accent). Plus she is running Vista (?!)

When I came home I couldn't find the key, and not wanting to pay a locksmith $100 I decided to just drill the lock out - took an hour. Once in, still no key - it was probably outside the room all along.

It seems to me that EVERYTHING in life these days is messed up. No one in a store or otherwise really wants to help you. There are no real "techs" or "repairmen" anymore, just con men who make money off of your misery.

Anyway - stay cool and there is always more time.
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Re: What do you think?

nah, no injuries, just my poor car. fucking woman backed into me while i was stopped after backing out of a spot. she hit my rear bumper, quarter panel, and my rear rim. she owned up to it when she it happened and said she looked all over and didn't see anyone, and she just picked up the phone. then when the cops came she tried to say we were both moving, even though she had said right before that, that she had no idea what happened.

just one of those days, ya know?

and now, while taking a quiz online for one of my classes the professor fucked up the time limit, so I paused and saved it, so time would stop and I could email him. haven't heard from him since then, which was 1:15 this afternoon, so i logged back on to see if the time was changed and it said I ran out of time and submitted it. it's hard to complete an assignment in 1/3 the time you were supposed to have. so now i just emailed him again, cause not i'm basically fucked.

side note: anyone use AC130 transistors? the guy has/can get them. they seem to be newly made NPN Ge's, but I don't really want to get a bunch of them to try the out.