It's been almost 20 years that I'm out of school and I'm
really hazy on most of the bjt and fet math (not that I was much good at it back then either) so hopefully this isn't going to turn into an embarassing conversation.
IvIark wrote
That explanation pretty much covers it, it's just basically using a resistor value (or trimmer) that puts a set voltage at a specific transistor pin, more often than not in these things that means round about 4.5V on the collector or drain for BJTs and JFETs.
Agreed. However there are weird circuits out there that defy this common practice. For example, Fairfield Barbershop is biased to 2/3 voltage instead of 1/2. I've seen Guillaume mention it himself someplace...
IvIark wrote
Expanding on that and thinking out loud, I wonder why we mess around with resistor values and trimmers so much when you could achieve exactly 4.5V by simply putting the same resistor value from collector or drain to ground, that you used from collector or drain to supply? Has anyone tried that?
You mean supply - resistor- say drain - (same resistor to ground in parallel to fet)?
Also, are we talking fixed bias or self biasing?