What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

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What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

Mr Fox
I need help putting a buffer on my RAT. Can someone help me? Does the input and output from the buffer board go to the 3PDT switch along with the input and output from the RAT?

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Re: What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

It depends what you're trying to achieve.

If you just want the Rat to have an input buffer (to avoid squealing, for example), then you can put the buffer between the switch and the main circuit: input jack -> switch -> buffer -> Rat board -> switch -> output jack. (Alternatively, you could just build the buffer into the main Rat board. But that would require a modified layout, and it looks like you've built the Rat circuit already and have a separate daughterboard for the buffer.)

If you want buffered bypass, you can put the buffer between the input jack and the switch: input jack -> buffer -> switch -> Rat board -> switch -> output jack.

These are my two top guesses about what you want, but there are other possibilities. If neither of these is what you're looking for, let us know what you're hoping to accomplish with the buffer and we can better advise you.
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Re: What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

Mr Fox
I want to buffer the RAT to avoid the squeaks. See the image below if I understand your explanation correctly.

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Re: What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

Yup. That's option 1 above.
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Re: What is the correct way to put a buffer before the circuit?

Mr Fox
Thank you so much, you helped me a lot!