What should I put in this thing?

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What should I put in this thing?


Casper Electronics was having a closing "garage sale" yesterday at their space. I picked up this massive hammond enclosure for just a few bucks. I could not pass on it!

A big multi-fx unit would be cool, but I'm always switching up what pedals I use and the order they are in, so I don't know how useful it would be to me.

Its huge! Any ideas? Some kind of awesome synth perhaps? Paired with a step sequencer, and some other stuff? Whatever it is, it needs lots of knob and switches. And perhaps an internal speaker.

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Re: What should I put in this thing?

Ciaran Haslett
I've always considered building a multi-fx like the Pete Cornish ones...like this.  This way I could house a power supply internally and never have to spend money on an enclosure again!

I'd just cut out control "strips" from the main enclosure, mount a circuit and its pots to a larger strip thats fixed to the underside of the face with some kind of screws and have a strip of switches all along the bottom.  The circuits would attach to the switches using junction boxes inside the enclosure.

That would allow you to swap out/re-order effects using just a screw driver.  It would also look super neat in the floor.
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

In reply to this post by Kinski
Nice score. Check out http://www.musicfromouterspace.com/

Loads of great projects here that can fill your enclosure.
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

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In reply to this post by Kinski
Music From Outer Space has a pretty sweet guitar synth project that would be perfect

I couldnt link directly. search for Sub-Commander
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

Great minds think alike.
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

Thanks for the input! Yeah, I love the MFOS stuff!

So, not 100% yet, but I think I might do this:

1. MFOS Weird Sound Generator
2. Two Parallel Atari Punk Consoles
3. Cacophonator
4. Baby 8 Sequencer

Have units 1-3 going into a tagboard mixer.

Audio out, and two internal 4" full-range 50w speakers.

Maybe a rotary switch to send Baby 8 to unit 1, 2, or 3. But I'd have to figure out how to get CV inputs on the WSG and Cacophonator.

Who know, maybe even throw a delay in there post mixer.


Am I missing something here? Any reason using the mixer would not work? I love the idea of having independent control of all these units in one enclosure.

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Re: What should I put in this thing?

In reply to this post by Kinski

Beavis style fuzz lab?

But putting a bunch of synth circuits sounds like an incredibly awesome idea too! Maybe you could even incorporate a small patch bay there somehow. In any case, even if you do end up deciding to make it a synth box, I'd say whack some guitar circuits in there too to mess with the drone sounds.
aka Dead Eye
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

In reply to this post by Kinski
That looks like a looper/power supply/beer holder combo to me.
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Re: What should I put in this thing?

In reply to this post by Kinski
I have a 3 pedals enclosure I want to build a multi stomp in, and because like yourself I seem to want to change order often I thought the best way of doing it would be having individual IN/OUT sockets at the back which you can then patch as wanted/needed. That would mean being able to change the order as well as adding other pedals before/after/in between, but still having the practicity of not having many individual stompboxes.

I wanted to do it while in my old band, as I had my set up quite nailed on for them and it was quite straight forward, but these days I agree I wouldn't know what to put in there, too much to choose from!