Which capacitors in a build?

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Which capacitors in a build?

Ed Nice
I'm a few builds away from doing (should that be attempting!) a Box of Hall from here: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/box-of-hall-reverb-culturejam.html

Because it's not in a kit, I have to order the parts individually. It all makes sense apart from the 6 red oval caps. These are: 1n, 1u, 100n, 22n (x 2) and 100p.

My question is simply which type of (non-polarised) caps should I be using for each value? I know it's likely to be from ceramic or poly but which should go where and how important is it?

Thanks guys (and gals). :)

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Re: Which capacitors in a build?

Ed Nice
Bitsbox have just answered this for me, but I know this is a far greater subject than I could imagine so I'll let the topic ride and see what people think?

I can't praise Bitsbox highly enough, but a lot of you probably know how great their service is :)
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Re: Which capacitors in a build?

To me, the division of capacitor types goes like this:

0 - 820 pF: Ceramic disk
1 nF - 1uF: Film or mylar (I personally like box caps here)
1 uf  and above: Standard electrolytics

There's some overlap, e.g. I often use non-polarized 1 uF caps.

The ** main  ** thing though is to use the correct values (or as close to them as possible).  I try to get 5% box caps when I can, and if in doubt measure the capacitance on my DMM.

Good luck with your project!  
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Re: Which capacitors in a build?

Ed Nice
Thanks Frank_NH. I read a cheat sheet on another fred which explained it all a bit more. Unfortunately, it was after I posted this n00b question and just before I remembered I'd forgotten it from a few weeks ago when I started this journey and in my impetuosity, just dumped the books and hit the [soldering] iron! :)
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Re: Which capacitors in a build?

Below 1nf its always ceramic
From 1nf to 39nf greenie film caps, cheaper then box film caps
From 47nf to 1uf film box caps as the greenies just get too damn big, although I use mostly monolithic ceramics these days above 100nf, which are both smaller and cheaper
From 1uf polarized upwards electrolithics, although I'm using more and more tantalums these days

For Muffs though I prefer to use ceramics only, as the best sounding Muffs of old tended to use them.
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Re: Which capacitors in a build?

And, don't forget you have the panasonic Mylar reds you could use from 1nf-1uF. They are smaller then greenies, but more expensive then them, but cheaper then box caps. There's a link under bargains for an assortment that work great and are priced fantastically.