Wiring for AB/Master Bypass

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Wiring for AB/Master Bypass

Hey guys... I'm wanting to build a pedal that allows me to toggle between a Zendrive and a Crunchbox with an A/B stomp and turn the pedal on and off with another.  Does this diagram look like it will work without adding noise or bleed through ect. I always use the offboard wiring IVIark has supplied on this page and it's always been great, but for this pedal I need something a little different.  Thanks!  

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Re: Wiring for AB/Master Bypass

Hey Snare,

This looks pretty good to me. I started a thread a while back asking about the same basic question but without the true-bypass switch. Induction pointed out that (as in your diagram) the unselected inputs aren't grounded which can sometimes cause oscillation problems on some effects.

I worked up an (unverified) layout for the a 4pdt switch to allow for grounding of the unselected effect loop input. Adding the true bypass should be easy, but take a look at this and see if you think it would work...


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Re: Wiring for AB/Master Bypass

In reply to this post by Snare227
Ok, and here's my attempt at adding the true bypass... a bit messy, but I'm showing every wire...

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Re: Wiring for AB/Master Bypass

In reply to this post by Snare227
Hey man,

Just an update -- I verified my layout, its good to go if you haven't already tackled it.