Wow Fuzz Help

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Wow Fuzz Help

I put up in the request someone to make a veroboard layout for the perfboard layout from (R.I.P.), because I built the perfboard version which i know should work, but I just can't get it to work right, mostly the wah part doesn't work at all, but the fuzz does. I tried to make a layout myself, but could use another set of more experienced eyes to check it out.


Note: in the DAM reissue the 5k trimmer is 47k


Perf Layout
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

I'm finally going to have some time to build this weekend and really want to get this working. It's one of 3 pedals i haven't been able to get working, and since I started it almost a year ago, and has been collecting dust. Also, I just scored an originally colosound fuzz-wah enclosure in blue on eBay the other day, hoping to light the fire under my ass to finally get this finished.
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

The fuzz layout looks good.

The wah layout has some issues:

1. The emitters of both transistors are unconnected. Q1 emitter should go to ground, Q2 emitter should connect to the junction of the 10nF cap and 10k resistor.

2. The collector of Q2 is also unconnected. It needs a jumper to +9V.

3. The junction of 100k/100k voltage divider at the output is not connected to Wah 1 and the output is taken from the wrong side of the top 100k. (To fix it: put a cut at row M-column H, put the junction of the voltage divider at row M, the bottom of the lower 100k stays on row P, but the top of the upper 100k goes to row I. Then take the output from row M.)

That's all I found.
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

thanks induction.  i made the changes you and tried to shrink the layout a little bit. I did notice that I built both layouts looking only at the schematic, but did not pay attention to the pin out of both transistors, as they are both BCE, rather then CBE. What it the easiest way to rearrange both layouts to mimic the pinout, so I don't have to twist the transistor legs?

Corrected V1:

New V2:
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

I checked over V2 pretty quickly, and it looks ok.

I can't really give you any general principles on the easiest way to rearrange the pinout. If it was me, I would just swap them and make whatever adjustments were necessary. If that didn't work out, I would just start over.

Vero layouts are like puzzles. I suspect we all have different approaches, but I tend to think in pictures when I do them, not words. So it's hard to explain what goes through my head when I make one.
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

Well I tried to rearrange the layout for the actual pinout of the transistors, and it looks like it matches properly, but the boards came out really ugly, . Once I went to make the changes, and keep all the resistors flat it became a complete redo. I have an idea to help me visualize how the layout should be arranged. I'm printing out the schematic and going to label the pinout and try to "rewrite" the schematic with the transistor shown as it is in reality. (not sure if that sounds the way I'm thinking it, . basically try to make the schematic match the mechanical appearance of the transitor).

Here it is the first revised layout
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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

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Re: Wow Fuzz Help

i've been trying to figure out a good, neat, working layout for this effect and think i've finally figured it out with the proper transistor pinout, rather than the "CBE" seen in the schematic. i would really appreciate it if someone with another good set of eyes could just check both of them out for me to make sure I didn't miss something stupid compared to the schematic.

If everything looks right, I think I found a way for me to check my layouts very accurately to help cut down on questions like this and I can contribute more.

I changed the pinout for the inductor, since I had one custom El Rad style made for me, rather than the halo I had. Also, the trimmer is 47k in the reissue, which I may use instead of the 5k.

Gratuitous shots of the colorsound enclosure that will receive the completed effect.