Wow Fuzz

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Wow Fuzz

So I have a broken wah enclosure laying around and I figured this would be an interesting build. I built it on perfboard according to layout, but it has some problems that I can't really figure out (fuzz, but no real wah sound). So it got me thinking, since I do everything else on vero, why not this? Since I just started doing layouts, I'm not sure I can do this one, so if someone would be so kind to make one it would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.  

I had to save the pdf as a jpg to post it, so it looks real small. Here's the link  to the post by sinner at freestompboxes with the layout. Also, the layout sinner made works, but I can't find the schematic.

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Re: Wow Fuzz

Here's a link to the schematic and a picture of the perboard layout that can be enlarged. I really could use the help. Thanks guys.


Perf Layout
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Re: Wow Fuzz

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Re: Wow Fuzz

Aww man. Thanks. I've actually been working on building a layout, but it's been on two boards. I'll give this a try/look. How did you make this? From the schematic or the perf layout, cause there might be a missing connection in the schematic, there's apparently a 470k or 470r resistor that connects from +9V 470k to 22nF that connects to the inductor.
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Re: Wow Fuzz

I've followed the schematics but I've now changed it to the perfboard specs.
It should be ok but let me know if you see anything wrong.
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Re: Wow Fuzz

awesome man. just to be sure is it this schematic?

 photo cwfuzz_zpsf7d4981a.gif

it turns out after a lot of searching, since something didn't seem right to me, that someone at FSB traced one of theirs from '77, and aside from a few values the wah section is identical. the original schematic i posted was missing the link from the 22k/470k junction, which goes down to the junction between the 470k/22nF after the inductor.

btw, here's the schematic traced from the '77 wah board just for comparison. don't change the values on the fuzz-wah to match this schematic.
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Re: Wow Fuzz

I've already added that link using the perfboard layout.
There were other differences: 10uF and 470K from the inductor have changed to 4.7uF and 470R.
In the "fuzz" part the trimmer has become a 47K and the 22uF cap a 47uF.
I don't know if those changes are correct or not (470K to 470R sounds huge!).
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Re: Wow Fuzz

i know, i'm not sure either. i know that sinner put together the perfboard layout, and should work fine, but it's mildly different from the schematic. he never told me how he made the layout, so i'm not totally sure if he had access to one of the reissues from D*A*M or what. i'll socket the resistor to see what's better. thanks again man.
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Re: Wow Fuzz

I think that's the best thing to do. Let me know it works!
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Re: Wow Fuzz

hey man, finally have some time so i just started to make this board, but you have marked that there are 15 cuts, and i count 14. am i missing something?

Edit: nevermind, i found the one i was missing. i have my fingers crossed this will work. i really hope this works, cause look what i scored just for this project while searching the bay:

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Re: Wow Fuzz

ok, finally sat down and built this and i have both good news and bad news. the good news is that when the fuzz is engaged it works, and sounds incredible. the bad news is that when the wah is engaged it sounds like i just went underwater, no wah effect at all, and there's a massive volume drop. i did find a problem with the layout, there is a 22nF cap connected to Wah2 that should be 220nF. i changed the cap, but that did not correct the problem.

also, i got my hands on original bc164b's and bc184l's, and the inductor i had a layout of 4x4, so i added 2 cuts and 1 link. here's the changed layout.

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Re: Wow Fuzz

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! this works with 2 changes to the layout.
1. the 470r resistor should be 470k
2. the 4.7uF polarized cap for that connects the inductor to ground should be 10uF

Note: you must make sure Q3 and Q4 have an hfe above 200. i used the original bc184l's like listed in the schematic do not have enough gain to get the wah to be a wah, it will act like a volume pedal. i used some rare ti bc108's i have with with hfe above 450. once i put them into the wah circuit this baby worked ungodly well.
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Re: Wow Fuzz

I'm glad it works!
I've changed the first layout.
The 470r and 4.7uF were changes made in the perfboard layout.
470K & 10uF were in the original version.
What kind of inductor did you use? 500mH?
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Re: Wow Fuzz

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Re: Wow Fuzz

Hi, nice nice nice :)
Could somebody make a vero layout of the fuzz section?
thanks in advance
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Re: Wow Fuzz

KT, i made a layout for this, as the fuzz is re-DONK-olous. i just posted it in the contributions section. its actually something someone has asked me to build for them. i also messed with it a bit and added a fuzz control and a SWTC which i will post under circuit designs. the fuzz control is modeled after the way the fuzzface fuzz pot is wired, i call it the Sweet Rage.  hehe