Xotic SL Drive

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Xotic SL Drive

I'm tempted to pick one up as they're not that pricey used (and for the glowing reviews).

However, I'm a bit turned off by the size; I just don't get into the whole small-as-we-can approach.
If a drive has a good range of distortion, I'll typically add an additional footswitch and 2nd gain pot so I can set them at two different gain levels and toggle between them. Easy way to simulate two 'channels'.

Just curious if anyone has done any analysis on the SL yet. Seems like a prime candidate for stripboarding due to the size (minimal components or is it SMD?). I'd be all for moving the DIP options externally, separating them in to external toggle switches.
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Re: Xotic SL Drive

I was talking to a friend today who wants me to build one after he tried one.

I'm trying to get access to the one he used belonging to a friend. I've told him if he can get some pictures of the guts or let me take some, I'll get it on here and we'll be in business.

I'm not an expert by a long shot, but this picture looks to me like it might have some SMD shizzle going on:


EDIT: This one too:

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Re: Xotic SL Drive

and where do the plugs go??? through the battery and the pcb?? am i missing something?

edit: ok, the boxes aren't standard 1590A, they are super tall
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Re: Xotic SL Drive

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Re: Xotic SL Drive

I've got a used one on the way, should be here this week. I'll give it a spin and if it sounds as good as (almost) everyone says, I'll try and work up a schematic. I think it would be interesting to rebuild in a larger case and work the DIP switch as external toggles.

Given the size, it can't possibly NOT be SMD.
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Re: Xotic SL Drive

I know it's been ages... I was wondering if anyone attempted reverse-engineering the SL drive.

Sounds great in demos!

Thanks :)
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Re: Xotic SL Drive

Same here. Any luck?