My Fab Tone has really been through the wars - I need to build a new one at some point, as I'm sure my jerry-rigged repairs aren't going to last much longer. It's my son's guitar solo pedal of choice.
Not being much of a metal-head I don't really have much of an interest in "metal" high gain pedals, but I completely agree with Alex. There are several fuzz pedals around that easily nudge over the line into high gain / distortion territory, and can be used as such.
I'm a firm believer in the concept of finding things that work for you, even if everyone else says "That's wrong", or "You need one of these to do that".
I'm a big fan of all things Scandinavian though, and love The Soundtrack Of Our Lives and The Hellacopters. My Favourite metal band recently has to be Norway's Kvelertack.