Your most difficult build

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Re: Your most difficult build

johnk wrote
IMO, the Keeley comp wasn't very difficult and mine worked perfectly the first time.
as with any build, you just have to pay attention to the details and build it properly the first time. IMO, that's a lot easier than going back and troubleshooting it.
I agree with you on this one, that's why I re built it and left it since. We have a verified layout that many have been successfully building and enjoying so no reason why it shouldn't work.

Compared to other builds it has more components which means a) more things could potentially go wrong and more importantly b) it's a pain in the arse to debug, but if done calmly and slowly there's no reason why it shouldn't work.

I will definitely tackle this one again, hopefully it'll be third time lucky for me! :)

Still would love to go through my non working builds though, as they are layout-correct and I've gone through the joints to make sure no bridges/cold joints were present. I'm fearing I might have something mislabelled in my parts bin and I can only hope it's capacitors as it'd be more obvious to spot, my colour blindness makes it pretty much impossible for me to tell resistors value from the colour coding!

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Re: Your most difficult build

Man when I think back, I am going to have to say the Madbean Zero Point SDX delay only because there were so many components to solder and then I screwed up the rotary switch.... Had to get a new one...
And then after it was all built, I could not get it to fit into the 1590bb, and then...
1. the power jack suggested would not work, I think it was defective
2. input and output jacks did not fit right because of how I drilled the holes
3. Pots did not really line up with the holes I drilled out in the enclosure

So I ended up over drilling the holes for the pots, problem solved there -
I had to use switchcraft jacks and MAKE them fit... instead of the plastic long jacks.  problem solved there -
used a standard power jack that worked...

Before all that I tried the pedal out with my test rig...  worked,
boxed it up with my modifications to making it fit into the 1590bb . . .
ONE OF THE TOGGLES did not really fit and somehow was shorting out...   OVERDRILL toggle hole problem solved!
Now I have a great looking delay that works but let me tell you, was a pain in the butt!  And I am not a pro pedal builder so that was really a big challange, and I love that pedal now~!   hehee
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Re: Your most difficult build

In reply to this post by alex.s
I've spent one month debuging my Keeley C4, after countless times doublechecking every part in it.
 Turned out to be just a faulty IC! (maybe I should have started there, eheheh). Now, and after all this I think that  I can assemble one blindfolded! don't give up on him... it's a great Comp! cheers

PS - Just read that you're colorblind and that you might have some problem in your componentes labels.
My humble advice, and that had save me some time troubleshouting (since I'm color blind also) is to doublecheck every part that goes on the build - every resistor, diode, pot, condenser is checked prior to solder.